Thursday, June 23, 2011

A new day...

It takes me a while for words to sink in
I am strange like that

It takes a while for insults self to sink in
Or warnings
Or instructions

But when they do sink in
I never forget
It sinks in

I am sold out to Jesus
Not partially
Not something i do on/off
convenient or for gain

This is me 
Not changing for anyone

This is my call

To stand up and be counted
to be the light in my environment...


By the way, i just logged on to say i am so calm
i amaze mysel
Tis not natural
This can only be God.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hi folks, feels like the old tisha, almost!

I knew i was going to post something sooner
How are you all doing?
Miss my blogfam

been pondering some stuff
wondering about my dreams
wondering if i have not been thinking too small
compared to the plans God had in store for me

Gisting with my sis this morning 
and she told me about this woman 
who was raped and killed by her driver and her cook
and called herself a Christian

I was slipping off into my nonchalant mood
when i suddenly got mad
Two folks planned such rubbish about you
and you are in the dark about it and you call yourself 

It annoyed me plenty, why don't you just tag 
yourself a bench warmer
Then i recalled what it meant to be Christian
It means to be conscious of the spiritual more than the physical
It means to dominate your environment so much
you can decide what happens on it and what doesn't

I know many folks won't understand this
But Kathryn Kulman in the 1940's used to dominate territories
She used to decide that such and such, stealing, anger, fear and sickness
could not operate around her in a 10 ft radius, two blocks, ten blocks and
then a 5o mile radius, that is what it means to take charge.

How can people with such criminal minds be planning such against you and
you don't know?
Don't tell me you are not a witch or a mind reader
That is why he gives visions, word of knowledge, wisdom, discernment of spirits etc
It is so you can dominate your world and operate as more than a man
How can this woman possibly say she did not sense anything
and then say she has an intimate relationship with the Most high
That he calls her by name, that she is submitted and obedient to His will,
God never leaves His children bereft, he is always speaking.
he has spoken to me so many times concerning members of my family, i am
glad i don't play church, that i am not the senior partner in our relationship
But that He is. Glad His plans are always good, i don't know what i would do
without Him, He just works perfectly, i love the way He loves me (selfish as that sounds)
God's love is unending, i won't stop dreaming!
I am under His divine influence daily because i am born of God
and His divine protection/hedge is roundabout my loved ones daily in their offices, businesses
homes, anywhere they go, God is caring for them. He is my stand-by

If some idiot curses you and you are cursing them back, you are not prepared
to walk in the kingdom
After seeing it, you must walk in it by obeying God's word
LOVE is key, but love is not stupidity; neither is it humiliation.

That woman just pissed me off because her lack of operating spiritual gifts
cost her her life, she did not need to go to heaven early.

God and I are not are close as we used to be, the intimacy level is not as good as it used to be. I feel like He's there for me but i am living life not exactly on his plane.
So i decided to start a journal between God and me, where i would just write to Him about my day and my Christian growth and my life and just to know His mind for me. 

My pastor used to give this scripture a lord "Draw near to me and i will draw near to you". I think i even heard it a couple of times before i got saved.

Tip for the day: If you are reading scripture you want to drive into your spirit, speak in tongues while reading it, peace!

Feels like old times, my writing doesn't have to make sense and be all so proper all the time.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Words freak!

It's not surprising, i was reading my readers in one day by the age of 6 so my love for words is not new. I love poems and I am stealing (lol) this from a s/he called Lee La Poeta I saw it on Facebook and it spiked up my imagination.

I do not know how I stumbled upon it
I am yet to discover what it was
Was it those eyes?

intriguing darks swimming in ocean whites?
or was it the goofy lopsided smile,
revealing perfectly shaped whites?
Perhaps it was the way those neat khaki pants,
Groped and majestically carved your rear
And made me look away in fear of evil thoughts

Could it be the way you made black look so sleek?
Or was it your laughter, short and precise?
No. maybe it was your voice, almost flawless, melodious.

Surely it must have been your skin,
Smooth, even, chocolate,
Neither light nor dark
Or maybe it was your aura, sweet, perceptive, open.
Could be your sense of humor!
the way you weaved your stories.
What was it now? 

It could not have been your annoying questions,
Do you have this or that? Can you drive?
Why is your bra this color? Do you drink?
I think it was your hands, soft, gentle in a weird way.
It was the way you could be cocky and still unsure.
It was how you knew almost everything about everything
It was how hard you worked and how lazy you are

It was how you combined aloofness with friendship
It was gullibility and intelligence mixed
It was youth and maturity
It was how you are unafraid of yourself,

That scared me.

It is definitely your scent, exotic and rare.
And your stare,
That sketched, even etched you right there.

(Lol, I liked it and I thought I’d share) 

Today (on that day) I miss my friends, not that I would have the time to spend with them even if they were here (one of the disadvantages of being grown up). What I miss is the times we had together just hanging out, I cherish those times. I miss those times!
This poem describes almost every friend I have had from kindergarten till now, it even describes me too. I have been blessed with great people as friends and I love and appreciate them and I thank God for putting them in my life. Today I appreciate two of my friends who are having their birthday today, happy birthday babes, I love you too much!