Monday, December 30, 2013

I am thankful for His unspeakable gifts...

Faith restored.
I was reading Jesse Duplantis during the week and Jesse said the believer has two gifts that he must operate regularly. They are the 'shield of faith' and the 'sword of the spirit'. The shield of faith quenches the darts of the enemy (satan) and your sword of the spirit mounts an offensive against the enemy.

To get these you must read your bible daily.

My dad is a Freemason. If you know anything about London, UK or America, you will know that they are proud witches, wizards and satanists. He gave a N100,000 last month to get some stupid certificates.

I was reading this site online and I saw this site: vigilant citizen

I saw a particular testimony from a guy who just got free from mind control that his dad had him trapped in. Here's what he (his name is Steven) said:

My Father is a Free Mason. He wanted to silence me about abuse from my adopted brother, which at that time I could only remember his abuse. But my dads suppression of truth brought flooding back other memories including masonic deities I was devoted to. I am living testimony through Jesus and faith in Him that this evil can be broken. My dad and whole family are now out of my life and fopr the first tiem I walk in a real world, I have friends who do not reveal themse;ves as enemies when I need them. Freedom after being monarch programmed is amazing, true sense of freedom and no nightmare. Do not give up hope victims out there. In my experienece and I cannot deny it is only Jesus who did this for me, but it was only after sharing my faith dad had me rehospitalised after breaking free of many traumatic lifestyle "choices" (programmed). I have been passed through 9 different holding areas in the past 9/10 months, and now after climbing on the roof of the last ward I was transferred to a amazing private hospital who have been open to my story, one Christian nurse even knowing and admitting the evil of the illuminate. I think my dad was hoping for promotion to top of UK Masons, but now he wont even speak to me, so control broken. Need him at a distance for forgiveness as he is still abusing. NSPCC I will be contacting for the sake of vulnerable other children as he runs a youth snooker club. He is very sick and held me in the room it all started, (where I began my recall of memories). There is a true satanic sorcery side to this evil. I am just grateful to God for breaking the curse and freeing me for a future. Kind of sad I am 37 (I think) and only just free, but the sense of freedom makes me so happy and kind of worth waiting for. Do not give up hope O monarchs. Dad had a big plan for me and it failed. Their only power of the victims weakness. Shows how pathetic they are.

I believe the things that he said because I have seen my dad practice this. I am done with talking about how evil he is. My dad has been my prayer point for the last three months. My goal of 2014 is "Lord Jesus, save my daddy, give him a divine encounter, show us all a way out so that we will give You glory; cause your light to shine out of darkness".

John 1: 4-5 says 'In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not'.

Happy 2014
Marked with 'strange works and strange acts and the exceeding grace of God

My Father is a Free Mason. He wanted to silence me about abuse from my adopted brother, which at that time I could only remember his abuse. But my dads suppression of truth brought flooding back other memories including masonic deities I was devoted to. I am living testimony through Jesus and faith in Him that this evil can be broken. My dad and whole family are now out of my life and fopr the first tiem I walk in a real world, I have friends who do not reveal themse;ves as enemies when I need them. Freedom after being monarch programmed is amazing, true sense of freedom and no nightmare. Do not give up hope victims out there. In my experienece and I cannot deny it is only Jesus who did this for me, but it was only after sharing my faith dad had me rehospitalised after breaking free of many traumatic lifestyle "choices" (programmed). I have been passed through 9 different holding areas in the past 9/10 months, and now after climbing on the roof of the last ward I was transferred to a amazing private hospital who have been open to my story, one Christian nurse even knowing and admitting the evil of the illuminate. I think my dad was hoping for promotion to top of UK Masons, but now he wont even speak to me, so control broken. Need him at a distance for forgiveness as he is still abusing. NSPCC I will be contacting for the sake of vulnerable other children as he runs a youth snooker club. He is very sick and held me in the room it all started, (where I began my recal of memories). There is a true satanic sorcery side to this evil. I am just grateful to God for breaking the curse and freeing me for a future. Kind of sad I am 37 (I think) and only just free, but the sense of freedom makes me so happy and kind of worth waiting for. Do not give up hope O monarchs. Dad had a big plan for me and it failed. Their only power os the victims weakness. Shows how pathetic they are.
My Father is a Free Mason. He wanted to silence me about abuse from my adopted brother, which at that time I could only remember his abuse. But my dads suppression of truth brought flooding back other memories including masonic deities I was devoted to. I am living testimony through Jesus and faith in Him that this evil can be broken. My dad and whole family are now out of my life and fopr the first tiem I walk in a real world, I have friends who do not reveal themse;ves as enemies when I need them. Freedom after being monarch programmed is amazing, true sense of freedom and no nightmare. Do not give up hope victims out there. In my experienece and I cannot deny it is only Jesus who did this for me, but it was only after sharing my faith dad had me rehospitalised after breaking free of many traumatic lifestyle "choices" (programmed). I have been passed through 9 different holding areas in the past 9/10 months, and now after climbing on the roof of the last ward I was transferred to a amazing private hospital who have been open to my story, one Christian nurse even knowing and admitting the evil of the illuminate. I think my dad was hoping for promotion to top of UK Masons, but now he wont even speak to me, so control broken. Need him at a distance for forgiveness as he is still abusing. NSPCC I will be contacting for the sake of vulnerable other children as he runs a youth snooker club. He is very sick and held me in the room it all started, (where I began my recal of memories). There is a true satanic sorcery side to this evil. I am just grateful to God for breaking the curse and freeing me for a future. Kind of sad I am 37 (I think) and only just free, but the sense of freedom makes me so happy and kind of worth waiting for. Do not give up hope O monarchs. Dad had a big plan for me and it failed. Their only power os the victims weakness. Shows how pathetic they are.
My Father is a Free Mason. He wanted to silence me about abuse from my adopted brother, which at that time I could only remember his abuse. But my dads suppression of truth brought flooding back other memories including masonic deities I was devoted to. I am living testimony through Jesus and faith in Him that this evil can be broken. My dad and whole family are now out of my life and fopr the first tiem I walk in a real world, I have friends who do not reveal themse;ves as enemies when I need them. Freedom after being monarch programmed is amazing, true sense of freedom and no nightmare. Do not give up hope victims out there. In my experienece and I cannot deny it is only Jesus who did this for me, but it was only after sharing my faith dad had me rehospitalised after breaking free of many traumatic lifestyle "choices" (programmed). I have been passed through 9 different holding areas in the past 9/10 months, and now after climbing on the roof of the last ward I was transferred to a amazing private hospital who have been open to my story, one Christian nurse even knowing and admitting the evil of the illuminate. I think my dad was hoping for promotion to top of UK Masons, but now he wont even speak to me, so control broken. Need him at a distance for forgiveness as he is still abusing. NSPCC I will be contacting for the sake of vulnerable other children as he runs a youth snooker club. He is very sick and held me in the room it all started, (where I began my recal of memories). There is a true satanic sorcery side to this evil. I am just grateful to God for breaking the curse and freeing me for a future. Kind of sad I am 37 (I think) and only just free, but the sense of freedom makes me so happy and kind of worth waiting for. Do not give up hope O monarchs. Dad had a big plan for me and it failed. Their only power os the victims weakness. Shows how pathetic they are.
My Father is a Free Mason. He wanted to silence me about abuse from my adopted brother, which at that time I could only remember his abuse. But my dads suppression of truth brought flooding back other memories including masonic deities I was devoted to. I am living testimony through Jesus and faith in Him that this evil can be broken. My dad and whole family are now out of my life and fopr the first tiem I walk in a real world, I have friends who do not reveal themse;ves as enemies when I need them. Freedom after being monarch programmed is amazing, true sense of freedom and no nightmare. Do not give up hope victims out there. In my experienece and I cannot deny it is only Jesus who did this for me, but it was only after sharing my faith dad had me rehospitalised after breaking free of many traumatic lifestyle "choices" (programmed). I have been passed through 9 different holding areas in the past 9/10 months, and now after climbing on the roof of the last ward I was transferred to a amazing private hospital who have been open to my story, one Christian nurse even knowing and admitting the evil of the illuminate. I think my dad was hoping for promotion to top of UK Masons, but now he wont even speak to me, so control broken. Need him at a distance for forgiveness as he is still abusing. NSPCC I will be contacting for the sake of vulnerable other children as he runs a youth snooker club. He is very sick and held me in the room it all started, (where I began my recal of memories). There is a true satanic sorcery side to this evil. I am just grateful to God for breaking the curse and freeing me for a future. Kind of sad I am 37 (I think) and only just free, but the sense of freedom makes me so happy and kind of worth waiting for. Do not give up hope O monarchs. Dad had a big plan for me and it failed. Their only power os the victims weakness. Shows how pathetic they are.
My Father is a Free Mason. He wanted to silence me about abuse from my adopted brother, which at that time I could only remember his abuse. But my dads suppression of truth brought flooding back other memories including masonic deities I was devoted to. I am living testimony through Jesus and faith in Him that this evil can be broken. My dad and whole family are now out of my life and fopr the first tiem I walk in a real world, I have friends who do not reveal themse;ves as enemies when I need them. Freedom after being monarch programmed is amazing, true sense of freedom and no nightmare. Do not give up hope victims out there. In my experienece and I cannot deny it is only Jesus who did this for me, but it was only after sharing my faith dad had me rehospitalised after breaking free of many traumatic lifestyle "choices" (programmed). I have been passed through 9 different holding areas in the past 9/10 months, and now after climbing on the roof of the last ward I was transferred to a amazing private hospital who have been open to my story, one Christian nurse even knowing and admitting the evil of the illuminate. I think my dad was hoping for promotion to top of UK Masons, but now he wont even speak to me, so control broken. Need him at a distance for forgiveness as he is still abusing. NSPCC I will be contacting for the sake of vulnerable other children as he runs a youth snooker club. He is very sick and held me in the room it all started, (where I began my recal of memories). There is a true satanic sorcery side to this evil. I am just grateful to God for breaking the curse and freeing me for a future. Kind of sad I am 37 (I think) and only just free, but the sense of freedom makes me so happy and kind of worth waiting for. Do not give up hope O monarchs. Dad had a big plan for me and it failed. Their only power os the victims weakness. Shows how pathetic they are.

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Say whats on your mind. Still loving cos i don't see myself ever becoming a hater or confirming to the voice of the crowd either.
What can i say? Tell me what you think!