Thursday, October 10, 2013

Christ in ME...

I didn't get changed at an camp
I got changed in college, the most unlikely place
Except the fact that a bunch of cool kids decided to commit to Jesus
Their impact set me up for the kind of believer I became
I have been hiding:

One of the pastors said one day that:
"When Jesus becomes your LORD, you lose your reputation;
you can't be guarding your reputation, Jesus can ask you to do anything"

Holy Spirit, I am going to do my best to put myself out there for you
I carry the Holy Spirit inside of me, I am going to have faith everyday
Cynicism will not destroy me, fear, anger, unbelief all of the fleshy things cannot have me

I am led by the Spirit of God, there's no any other way for me.

I will talk about Jesus more and reach out to the people around me more
and pray about the people that hurt me to God
Carrying offenses just helps you waste time nursing the wrong things
God has put birthing power in me, it is for dreams and not for grievances

Father thank you for resurrection power, I choose to trust you
Spirit of God, help me depend on you more than I depend on me
Help me scrap depending on me cos what can I do without you?

Help me put myself out there and trust You to use it for your glory
If I get happy, you get the glory
If I get hurt, you get the glory

Help me pray to you when I am hurt and not waste time in anger
Be my best friend again O Lord, I miss having you as a best friend
And life is too difficult without You
I am tired of playing big girl, I do need you so much

Thank You for peace and Joy
Your peace never left me so I knew that everything was going to be fine
Do help me put my faith to work more often inspite of what I see outside me

I live above the forces of darkness
I live above the principles of this life

Holy Spirit, forgive me for forgetting you are my partner and thanks for reminding me

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Say whats on your mind. Still loving cos i don't see myself ever becoming a hater or confirming to the voice of the crowd either.
What can i say? Tell me what you think!