Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lessons learnt, lessons to learn...


Lesson learnt: All in all, God is still good and yes i have learnt to walk in love even while dealing with varying humans, it has not been easy but it has been worth it. Growing is not so easy, you need to be pruned from time to time (By God, so no one will make you a robot), you need to be teachable and humble.

Lesson i need to learn:

Walking in dominion
Reigning in life
Walking in love

So help me God!

Instead, i thank you God because i know your help is available to me...


I will be going for a camp retreat and i pray i have the best time. I believe that the spirit of God will select the best things for me and i thank God because i am divinely positioned to receive all of God's goodness for me and for my family and for my friends too!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I still thank Him everyday...

I got this testimony from gee's blog and posted it at maid of heart's request. 

I still thank God everyday
Even with all the stress that came along with the blessing, i don't want to go back to before He touched me, i may have reached for Him but He touched me with His love and grace and goodness and i don't want to forget how good He is no matter how cloudy things get and when the cares of the world want to take over, i'll still remember His goodness and kindness and say God i love you, i am grateful for your love and your presence and your guidance.

Okay i had this discharge on/off for years and i was scared to check it until it became so bad that i used to smell literally stink like gutter... I never was able to perceive oxygen (like i can now , smiles). 

I went for a program and a minister gave a word of Knowledge, now i had heard many different word of knowledge, at this time that related to me directly but it was always usually during my period and so by the time my period was over i would have lost courage. I don't know what was different this time, the man of God just said by the words, you were bleeding and now you have a discharge that is smelling just lift your hands and i will curse that infirmity from its roots.

I was surrounded by many people i knew and since its very embarassing i was stubborn and did not. but when he prayed i whispered amen and when he finished praying, i was terrified, i used to wear pantliners everyday but i refused to wear that night, i had the discharge but after like 2 days or so. it disappeared. i spent the next two months checking myself but it was gone. i don't know why it went but all i did was act in faith.

I kept repeating these words to myself "you are not healed because there is a presence of absence of symptoms you are healed because the stripes of Jesus made you so". i forget, like 6 months before i had taken antibiotics and it went away and came back or i even had more difficult days then i made a decision that even if it killed me i would not take any drugs again and God honored my faith.

Now, i have faith to believe for bigger things because i know God loves me. because its embarrassing, i have not yet given the testimony in my home church but everyone can see that there is something different around me. you can't know how it feels to have a discharge for years that makes it uncomfortable for you to be you or to even do anything and then to suddenly have it go away because you prayed. 

something i know i did for sure, i focused on the word of God and kept away from doubters and people who could not believe it. i meditated on the word and told me the truth of the word of God each time. The anointing breaks the yoke. . the discharge dried up until it was no longer there. God is great and He keeps His word, just believe

On my phone, i wrote this note that no matter what, i will never forget that i was the girl that stank till he intervened and now i smell oxygen, no smells any more (its simply supernatural), he says, He will arise and favour me, there's nothing impossible for me because He lives in me...

I remain teachable cause this pleases Him. Shalom!