Friday, October 28, 2011


Faith starts with knowing God loves you.
From the time i was a little child i used to sing this song:

He loves me, i cannot say why) 2ce
On Calvary's tree, he suffered for me
He loves me, i cannot say why.

Until i had a reason to doubt His love i wasn't so sure, i never did talk about many of the fellowships i went to who preached condemnation and every time after they had preached i would say, Jesus definitely doesn't love me, i am no longer perfect. Even in my beloved fellowship at times when my 'gist' would get around, some of the pastors would preach condemnation but my head pastor stuck to the truth in spite of how he might have wanted to join the crowd and i got my teenage bible where i was like the Berean (always cross checking), soon i was a bible scholar knowing what God was saying to me. So He loves me and i could never doubt it.

Scripture says 'Believe and you will see'
Don't trust in what your eyes can see, trust in what God reveals to you in your spirit as you spend time with him enough to hear. I have had the opportunity to believe before i see several times but my real name means favor and so i just happen to believe that God always reserves the best for me. He is a perfect God and His mercy is towards me always. He fixes that matches i fight so i am constantly sure of victory even though i am not physically super strong but the Holy Ghost is constantly waiting to help me, my hero, my super man.

I love to worship. When i worship, i seem so invincible, at that very moment i believe that i can do anything and i am not afraid of nothing, His presence makes me strong. I know how to surrender and give Him everything. I have been criticized for worshiping severally, told i wasn't good enough or perfect enough to worship but no one can stop me from doing something from which i get strength.

The God who loves me, His word is infallible, i believe it! Yep i said it. I believe the word of God. I am grateful for His love. His word is my energizer and quickener, i love God. Yes, it is because He loved me first but heck i didn't even know love before i met Him.

Another lesson is that all things are created by thought.
I choose to discipline my thoughts and cast down every wrong thinking pattern by the help of His word, my latest goal is to renew my mind. I have been praying, thank God for grace. I feel like i have been in a desert and just come out to an oasis (The spirit of God & the word of God)


Say whats on your mind. Still loving cos i don't see myself ever becoming a hater or confirming to the voice of the crowd either.
What can i say? Tell me what you think!